A sustainable fair food system that ensures healthy livelihoods and socio-economic welfare for present and future generations.


Sustainable Soil for Life Association is a local organization that supports vulnerable smallholder farmers, rural youth, direct consumers and market actors to improve their livelihoods and living conditions through the promotion of agroecological food systems.
Core Values
The association hope that honesty, dignity, creativity, mutual help and cooperation are essential for all individuals to develop themselves, their families and their society in order to jointly develop the economy, society and unity in the local community.
Sustainable Soil for Life Association are looking for 3 key core values among staff and rights holders:
INCLUSION. We conduct our action with equity under the principles of health, ecology, fairness and care to improve social inclusion, justice and dignity among communities. We champion farmer’s role to influence decisions, encourage women and men to support gender equality, and value women as agents for positive change – inclusive and honest in all our work and decision-making with our stakeholders and take responsibility for our actions.
RESPECT. We are respectful of diversity. SSLA recognizes that the diversity is essential in tackling its work. We are called to respect and learn from each other’s differences and rely on them to find creative ways to solve everyday challenges. We treat all persons regardless of gender, ethnicity, social status, sexuality, disability or other differences with honesty, respect and dignity.
INTEGRITY. We act with transparency, participatory and accountability. Integrity is performing in an unbiased and honest manner at all times. Women’s and youth’s participation and accountability are essential for agroecology and leaders of agroecology initiatives.


Vulnerable small-scale farmers, rural youth, consumers and buyers are empowered to promote an agroecological food system to improve their livelihoods and wellbeing.