Agroecology Vocational School

Vocational Education of youth:

SSLA has experienced the strength of vocational training approach in achieving long term outcome on change of practices. Vocational education in agroecology is a critical way to achieve structural and deep change in the society. Trained youth who became activists or farmer leaders shown an important level of influence to their community and can obtain structural change in the short term.

The Food Processing and Agroecology Training Program offers:
– Free 100% Scholarship for students
– School supplies and on-campus housing & meals accommodation
Registration Requirements
– Dropped-out at secondary school
– Age between 14-20 years old
– High commitment to learning
– Interested in agriculture careers
Job opportunity after graduation
Students will have to opportunity to get a job in farm or food processing manufacturing or start their own business.

Full-day training courses Monday to Friday including 30% of theoretical courses and 70% practical courses.

Education and Vocational Training in Agroecology:

14 vulnerable students from families with trauma problem, are completed 2-years of vocational training in agroecology, became skilled young technicians in agroecology engaged among community.

11 students (of the 14) are completed 8-months of Training of Trainers (700 hours) for TVET education from Jan to Oct. 2020, who are all became agroecology trainers in 3 vocational schools in 3 targeted provinces (Battambang, Siem Reap and Oddar Meanchey).

3 small agroecology schools / center in 3 provinces opened in 2020, for providing vocational training to 100 young people in agroecology

180 students of universities (UBB, URA, UME) trained about soil fertility management during at least 2 months training courses (around 45 student/year).

More than 1 Million of young Cambodians reached and raised awareness about agroecology approach with 10 online tutorial videos developed, 10 educational posters and 40 illustrations of agroecological practices.

The Agroecology school: a vocational and technical training dedicated to sustainable Agroecology. Training and awareness-raising on agroecological practices.

Training course dedicated to agroecological practices.
Each student benefits from a comprehensive training program combining theory and practice. Teaching focuses on agronomy, animal husbandry and food processing.